Saturday, October 15, 2011


With only two at home you would think that Saturdays would slow down. Especially with one allegedly ill... Nope..

PITA Boy is off to work! What I respect about PITA Boy is the fact that he works.. and works and works. An employer that hires him is just plain lucky. This morning he is working for four hours at the local park district where he runs the soccer league (park district not league play) but there he is running the games.. and having a blast. Then he is home for a couple hours and off to the other job.. yep both jobs today.. This happens quite regularly he probably works about 40 to 50 hours a week between the two jobs. They all love him.. I just hope he starts socializing a bit more..

Now, Blond Girl.. you know the one who got out of ICU on Thursday night? Yeah her.. she is off to a swim meet.. no she can't swim but she is still part of the team and needs to support it. After the meet is team bonding then home to shower and change. Before off with friends to the see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.. She is excited because a group of them are taking the train downtown to see the performance with no adult supervision. They are 17 afterall.. some just a month or two away from 18. Yeah it's scary to let go but as a good parent I have to..

It is rather nice to know that my kid is rushing off to the city to see the symphony not hit the bars.. I am truly blessed with my kids.. both the ones at home and the two off living their lives..

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