Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Parent's Nightmare

Last Tuesday while Blond Girl was at a swim meet, she laid down to rest, fell asleep and stopped breathing. When her friends attempted to wake her up she was unresponsive and CPR was administered. Fortunately, she came to and was rushed to the emergency room.

Once there all tests were negative she was "fine" and "nothing" was wrong. The Doctors realizing that this was just wrong.. sent her to a children's pediatric ICU at another hospital for observation. Two days later and we are still not sure what is causing the problem but we are pretty secure in knowing that her heart is fine. WHEW.

Let me tell you, I had plenty of falling apart moments in the quiet of the night while she was sleeping. Fortunately, each morning she would wake and smile... everything was fine.

I do have to giggles just a bit though, this ICU unit has what I call a cruise director who comes in to make sure the kids have everything they need to make their stays as good as possible, computer...check...movies...check...glamor day, complete with hair styling, nails and makeup...check..and now today.. she had dog therapy!!

I am glad that there is plenty to keep her smiling.

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