Monday, April 27, 2009

Respecting the Individual

I have raised four unique and wonderful individuals... they are creative and bright, clever and talented... They are amazing.. of course they are teenagers which means they are moody, broody and annoying.. They fight me on every step they are supposed to...

But I worry, they are so independent and self sufficient I worry sometimes that they just forget what family means... that family first and always comes first. Last night Pita Boy pushed me over the edge.. and Word Girl came to the rescue (his not mine) so I guess right now I am doing something right....

Blond Girl has decided that next year she wants to audition for dance force at school. Now I wouldnt mind this except she seems to think that the activities are the important thing and she can get through life on her looks alone.. I know it sucks to be beautiful..

Actually I was watching the apprentice last night and Brandi was asked was about the difficulties of being blond and beautiful.. did she think it made it harder for her or easier.. It was interesting because she said it was never a problem. I seriously find that hard to believe... I watch my beautiful brilliant daughter fall back on her looks time and time again... and it hurts me, the child is BRILLIANT.. scary smart and yet she limits herself constantly.. Needless to say dance force is going to be a bargaining chip.. anything less than a B from here on out and she is gone.. and those B's she can only get an occasional one not settle for them...

Guess it sucks to be her...


  1. Ten years ago, a good friend of mine was convinced his smart daughter was headed for ruin because she was a cheerleader and on the school dance team. He seriously could not understand why she would pick those things over other sports, Honor Society, and student government. She's now a professor of economics at a very decent university.
    I would be more worried if my daughters hadn't wanted to try out for anything. Good luck to Blond Girl.... and you! ;o)

  2. I have the same concern. I have my standard Judge Judy comment at the ready: Beauty fades, dumb is forever. I remind us all of that often. Keeps it in perspective.
