Saturday, June 27, 2009

Word Girl in a Snit

So Word Girl is in a bit of a snit these days. As you know she is currently employed with two jobs in her second job the first pay period came on friday. After being warned by just about all of her friends that none of them received a check that first period that for some reason it just took longer she went to pick up her check.

I warned her do not be upset if you don't get it.

Mom : Find out the reasons why and be proactive but do not be upset.

Word Girl: Oh don't worry mom I understand I wont be upset...

several hours later....

Word Girl: I didn't get my check... (stomp, stomp, stomp, throw throw throw)

Me: honey you said you were prepared for this and you weren't going to get upset...

Word Girl: I lied (stomp stomp, yell at Pita Boy)

Me: well this isn't our fault and you need to change your attitude...

Word Girl: grumble grumble grumble, attitude attitude attitude... oh and mom stay away from my facebook or I will defriend you....

and the next day....

I dared to comment on her SISTER's facebook... and you guessed I have been defriended... she is soooooo busted.... because of her attitude and behavior and the fact she made a public deal out of it.. guess it is time for mom to get even.. I mean she doesnt need to go online at all does she?

I will be getting an apology from her and I will be considering making her close the damn page down.... I am that angry, not at the defriending but at the attitude and the behavior and the way she did it.. That was rude and unforgivable.


  1. I'm glad we're not the only family having problems with FaceBook, only for me it's my husband...

    I have an award for you:

  2. i just popped over to you from amomonaspin and I'm also glad to see I'm not the only with the FB problems. I did it the other way round tho, I de-friended my TD....don't they just make you want to scream & throw things sometimes?!?
