Monday, February 6, 2012

Blond Girl Makes the Play!!

Blond Girl's High School is putting on a production of Chicago.. she very much wanted to make this play.. She had hopes of being in the Jail house Tango, although we both liked different parts..

Auditions were all last week and the announcement was posted on Friday..
I got a text.. said she was in the chorus and a reporter which meant she had LINES.. she is too cute.. the girl is ecstatic because she managed to get four whole lines..

5th Child, got basically the same parts.. so we get to watch them together.. and I am excited because the boys in our lives (not the related ones) got the appropriate parts.. the ones that best suited them.. although, I still think Blond Girl's best friend deserved the Billy Flynn role..

The play is late April.. so I am sure there will be lots of exciting things going on..

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