Friday, October 2, 2009

It is HOMECOMING so Insanity Reigns!!

Thiss week is homecoming here in our little slice of the world so the girls are doing all they can to fit it all in.. lets see.. Monday was pajama day... so of course the new jammies came out (I insisted Word Girl actually wear jammies but that is an argument for another time).. Tuesday was red carpet day (the Homecoming theme.. ) honestly how does one dress up for teh red carpet when one is in HS? Wednesday is Twin day... grins... blond girl gets a call from a friend telling her to wear a white tee.. the friend had a shirt for her. Any way since she was sleeping, lovely mom that I am I answered her phone.. BIG MISTAKE..

ME: Blond Girl N called and said to wear a white tee

Blond Girl: when? why didnt you wake me (the girl sleeps like the living dead sometimes I check just to make sure she is breathing).

Me: last night... and believe me I tried to wake you...

Blond Girl: oh... well ok, what pants? jeans, sweats? light jeans dark jeans, skinny jeans?

Me: um I didnt ask, I am just relaying the message she sent

Blond Girl: SIGH... ok, shoes? heels, boots, gym shoes?

Me: again I dont know, I just am passing on the message..

Blond Girl: well next time ask...

Are any of you the proud parents of teens girls? she wanted me to insert my opinion, think for myself.. even GASP ask questions of one of her friends???

oh well that was resolved..

Thursday was sports day.. and powederpuff night.. the JR/SR game was called due to rain Word Girl is saying no one won due to the rain ( they called it after half time and the Seniors were getting creamed)

Today... tailgaiting party at 5:oo am for the seniors, pep rally, parade, game....

Tomorrow the Dance...

Now I am not sure exactly what Word Girl will be doing cuz well I dont really need to know (so she says...) but Blond Girl will be meeting with her friends at 4... taking a 20 person limo to dinner then off to the dance... then back to a friends house for after dance party.. poor thing...

talk to you all soon.. I promise


  1. Wow! I'm glad our homecoming here in New Jersey isn't a big deal like that!

    I couldn't afford the price of another limo. . .

  2. We just had that week, too! The seniors walloped the juniors in powder puff, though! My youngest daughter is a senior and a varsity cheerleader, so I know exactly what you've gone through this week!

  3. so glad to have you back!!! sounds like lots of crazy fun!!

  4. Liz, the good news is i just had to be there and smile for the camera.. I didnt have to pay for the limo, my daughter has wonderful gracious friends who actually want to do these things for the kids...

    Anna, our seniors didnt loose (that is my daughters official story) it seems they were getting creamed but then the game got rained out at half time, so in her mind.. no finish, no loose,
